September 2010: Upcoming EIR & Clean Water 303(d) Listing


September, 2010

Dear RRWPC Supporter:

Summer water quality in the lower Russian River has been rapidly degrading as Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) wages an aggressive ad campaign to assure people that they care about the river.  Weekly ads have been promoting their efforts.

RRWPC responds to SCWA via Press Democrat Letter to Editor….
For instance, a recent Press Democrat weather page contained a SCWA ad touting the environmental friendliness of the water supply and featuring a beautiful picture of the Russian River.  The ad asserted that the Biological Opinion (BO) will save endangered fish and protect our environment.  RRWPC responded in a letter to the Editor: “They failed to mention that the BO demands a permanent 44% decrease in flows (125 cfs to 70-80 cfs) in the lower Russian River in order to maintain a closed Estuary for the Steelhead, while not flooding a relatively few properties in Jenner.” The letter continues: