RRWPC Newsletter, Sept.2021: Drought & Plans for new septic regulations
admin : September 16, 2021 6:27 pm : 2021., NewslettersWait and See…..Since early this year, as the reservoirs declined and the rain failed to fall, Sonoma County water purveyors suffered a severe case of ‘wait and see’. Early on, it was ‘wait and see’ if the rain comes and the reservoirs fill, even when limited falling rain was greedily absorbed by vegetation and thirsty soil before reaching the creeks. Then it was ‘wait and see’ how much water was being conserved; as time sped by and reservoirs dropped quickly. Even then, in June and July, no one seemed ready to panic. Lowering minimum flows to 35 cfs was also thought to save the day, but that didn’t make much difference in reservoir levels either. More »