November 2013 Newsletter: Wastewater Irrigation Permits for Santa Rosa and Rohnert Park
admin : November 19, 2013 6:21 pm : 2013., NewslettersDear RRWPC Supporter:
If the contents of your mailbox look anything like ours this time of year, you have somewhere between 3 to 15 daily donation appeals from national, state, and local nonprofit organizations, most doing important work and providing needed services. Yet, RRWPC requests your special attention this season in acknowledgement of our 35 year history of tracking water quality and quantity issues in the lower Russian River.
2014 promises to be a busy year for RRWPC….
RRWPC will be following many critical issues next year including: Fish Flow Project EIR (i.e. ‘low flow’), septic regulation issues, especially as applied to lower Russian River, new water quality studies on bacteria, temperature, and nutrients, nutrient trading, and mandatory conservation policies needed to protect summer flows.
Important Regional Board Meeting November 21st….
This year included two rounds of comments to the Regional Board concerning Santa Rosa’s new discharge permit. So far we have not seen the responses to comments even though the meeting is only two weeks away. This meeting will start at 8:30 am with the Permit item #5 on the agenda and will probably be heard around 9 AM. More »