Introduction: Reclamation Permits
The North Coast Regional Board released Santa Rosa’s draft wastewater discharge permit in 2013 for public review. It is normally reviewed every five years and was last approved in 2006. The permit regulates discharge of treated wastewater into Laguna tributaries and Russian River between Oct. 1st and May 15th of each year. It also includes a Reclamation Permit that regulates wastewater irrigation practices. RRWPC provided extensive comments on the Reclamation Permit. (below)
NPDES Waste Discharge Permits: Santa Rosa
- RRWPC Comments: Feasibility of Developing Uniform Water Recycling Criteria for Direct Potable Reuse, 11-23-2016
- RRWPC Addendum #2: Waste Discharge Requirements and Master Reclamation Permit for the City of Santa Rosa, 11-21-2013
- RRWPC ADDENDUM: Waste Discharge Requirements and Master Reclamation Permit for the City of SR Subregional Water Reclamation System, Sonoma County, July 22, 2013
- RRWPC Comments on Waste Discharge Requirements and Master Reclamation Permit for the City of SR Subregional Water Reclamation System, Sonoma County, July 22, 2013
- RRWPC Comments on Waste Discharge Requirements and Master Reclamation Permit for the City of SR Subregional Water Reclamation System, Sonoma County, December 3, 2012
- RRWPC Addendum #2: Waste Discharge Requirements and Master Reclamation Permit for the City of Santa Rosa, 11-21-2013
Commentaries can be RRWPC’s official submission to regulatory agencies regarding proposed or current projects and for the most part have legal standing as formal comments.