B. Adelman Email on Board O Supervisors Acceptance of FEIR

For full text of Board of Supervisors’ Resolution Approving FEIR, see Item 25.

[August 16, 2011 Email from Brenda Adelman]

I want to first say that there is a good article on the Estuary meeting in
tomorrow’s PD. What is even better is the picture they put on the front
page. Don’t miss it. Supervisors OK Fresh Water Lagoon at Jenner

I have attached my letter submitted to the Supervisors before today’s
meeting on the Estuary Project.

Estuary Letter to the Supervisors

I have not included the five attachments that went with it, but if you want to see them, I can send them. Just let
me know.

Here’s a brief summary of the meeting: First the staff described the
Estuary Project. Then Supervisors spoke and asked some questions. Then
NMFS staff (Butler and Hearn) spoke on behalf of the project. At one point
Hearn was actually threatening that the Feds would go after the County if
they did not approve the project today. Bill Hearn told one untruth after
another in describing the project. It was very frustrating to have to sit
there and listen and not be able to set the record straight.

Then they heard from the public; there were about 15 of us who spoke. There
were many intelligent and on-target comments. Efren cut me off at 3 minutes
and would not give me extra time, even though people in the audience
requested to give their time. I was unable to respond to Hearn’s comments
and needless to say, I had much more to say. Most of it is in the attached

Then the supervisors had more of a discussion about the project than I
expected. The general tone was that they really wanted more time to think
about it; they had some reservations about part of the project. They were
concerned about water quality issues, etc.

Finally, RRWPC is seriously thinking about a lawsuit. We will keep you
posted. Let me know if you have any questions. (They all voted “yes” by the way.)