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MR/VG Study Preference for Hookup to RRCSD, 9/22/2024

  RRWPC Russian River Watershed Protection Committee P.O. Box 501 Guerneville, CA 95446   September 22, 2024   RRWPC’s Preliminary Comments on: Draft MR/VG Wastewater Solutions Project Alternatives ...

RRWPC Newsletter, October 2024: Study assigns preference to MR/VG hookup to RRCSD

Dear Russian River Supporter:
September saw the dam break, so to speak. RRWPC has been focused on several long term issues for what feels like a very long time, waiting for something meaningful to happen. There were changes to the missions, changes of staff, stalling on documents, hold ups on plan approvals, and more.

RRWPC Newsletter, July 2024: Lower River Septic Meeting

Since 1980, RRWPC has advocated for policies and governmental actions that protect and improve Russian River water quality.  We played a major role in the removal of most of Santa Rosa’s wastewater discharges from the Russian River; and we caused a scientific study to be written

RRWPC Newsletter, May 2024: RRCSD, Fee Increases, and Local Governance

Some sad news to report this month, sorry to say, but you need to know the following:

Water Agency’s $20M grant application denied for RRCSD pipe & pump station repairs….We learned recently that the results of the income survey supposedly received by all Russian River County Sanitation District (RRCSD) ratepayers, was determined to be just shy of required amount to qualify for funds, as the cutoff was 80% of statewide average income and the District was at 81%.

RRWPC Newsletter, November 2023: Potter Valley and the Water Agency

Potter Valley Project (PVP) on its way out…..Now is a time of major transition in the water resource management field.  After completion of a long and laborious public process expected to occur during the next several years by water contractors and users, governmental managers and technicians, fishery advocates, native Americans, and environmentalists,

RRWPC Newsletter, February 24: Wastewater…Behind the Scenes

Partial truths equal mistruths as the public is misled and thereby uninformed….Over many years, RRWPC has followed the evolution of numerous  Russian River Area programs as they evolved from behind the scenes.  The public is generally kept unaware of program details until project plans are almost complete, with only a select few allowed advanced peeks at what is planned.