North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Submitted by Email on September 29, 2017 to:
Attention: Alydda Mangelsdorf
RRWPC Comments on: Staff Report for the Action Plan for the Russian River Watershed Pathogen Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL Plan)
Comments by Brenda Adelman for RRWPC
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this very important document. We very much appreciate your decision to address the needs of the community in the matter of sewer upgrades through a revision of the earlier version (2015) of this TMDL Plan. We believe you have addressed several important issues raised by the community, including development of a map indicating properties affected by the program, focus on properties that are 600’ from the river bank of the main stem river and also impaired tributaries, development of potential funding sources to assist low income property owners, inclusion of local citizens in the planning process, etc.