120 New hotel Units: Impacts on Sewer?

RRWPC Comments (October 26, 2021) on: Lok Guernewood Park Development Co.,

                                       Permit Sonoma File No. PLP18-0012

For Public Hearing by Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) on October 28, 2021



RRWPC came into being in 1978 as a result of concerns about the initial planning and construction of the Russian River County Sanitation District (RRCSD).  We commented on the many issues that arose during construction.  We initiated three successful citizen propositions attempting to change certain aspects of the project.  And we  have tracked the project, and its many evolutions, ever since.

RRCSD went on line in 1983 and has had many challenges ever since.  In the last 7-8 years the collection system has shown signs of significant wear and tear and some officials have informally estimated that repairs