November, 2009
Dear RRWPC Supporter
Our last mailer of the year is customarily a time to review our accomplishments and challenges of the prior year. 2009 has been a very busy time for water issues in Sonoma County. Gazing into the future, and based on what we have seen so far, we surmise that it will get even more hectic in 2010. We also take this opportunity to thank our Board, our other volunteers, and all of you for helping to support and sustain our efforts.
We include our recent article submitted just days ago to the Sonoma County Gazette, summarizing current local water issue events. We thank publisher Vesta Copestakes for this beautifully formatted community newspaper that regularly publishes our work and that of other community members. You can see for yourself, as the entire paper can be read online at, including past issues. This mailer also contains a donor list of those who have given $25 or more from November 1, 2008, through October 31, 2009. Because of limited space, we could not list those donating less than that amount.We are very grateful to all of you for your loyal and generous support.