Dear RRWPC Supporter:
Many changes have been occurring lately in the Russian River environmental scene. There is a great deal to report, so here we go.
City of Santa Rosa’s current programs & activities…..
- The North Coast Regional Board released Santa Rosa’s draft wastewater discharge permit a few months ago; it is normally reviewed every five years and was last completed in 2006. The permit regulates discharge of treated wastewater into Laguna tributaries between Oct. 1st and May 15th. It also includes a Reclamation Permit that regulates wastewater irrigation practices.
RRWPC submitted a ten page letter expressing concerns regarding the summer irrigation program. The Board will consider approval of the two permits on March 14th at their regular board meeting in Santa Rosa. (call Regional Board at 576-2220 for more information) RRWPC comments and link to draft permit is at
- Salt and Nutrient Plans and Nutrient Offset Proposals are in the works behind the scenes. RRWPC submitted comments on an early draft of the Plan a few months ago but have not seen reply as yet. Santa Rosa hired consultants to develop a plan that is required by the State’s Recycled Water Policy. The main concern is accumulation of salts and nutrients in groundwater. (We are just as concerned about surface water.)