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RRWPC Newsletter, June 2017

Agencies now responding to comments on low flow project…..
On March 10, 2017, when RRWPC submitted our comments on the 3600-page Fish Flow Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR on low flow), a huge burden was lifted from our shoulders and shifted to the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) staff who then began their written responses to the issues raised and questions asked about the project intended to permanently lower summer flows in the Russian River. (Final responses from the agency probably won’t be out for over a year.)

Brief history of Russian River low

The Russian River, flowing in a southern and then western direction, drains 1,485 square miles of Sonoma and Mendocino counties in Northern California and is 110 miles long. Its headwaters are about five miles northeast of Ukiah in ...

RRWPC Comments on SCWA Low Flow Urgency Petition, 5-14-17

State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights Attn. Patricia Fernandez P.O. Box 2000 Sacramento, CA 95812-2000 Protest of Temporary Urgency Change Petition filed by Sonoma County Water Agency on April 19, 2017, for ...

RRWPC Newsletter, April 2017

Good news to report about DEIR comments….
The Regional Water Quality Control Board, along with the State Water Board, to our surprise, joined forces to submit a 77-page comment letter on Sonoma County Water Agency’s (SCWA) Fish Flow Draft Environmental Impact Report (FF DEIR). In their introduction, the State credits the large number of protest letters from the community as being a causal factor in this effort. They note (page 4), “It is expected, based on the complexity of the proposed changes {requested by State Board}, and the volume of protests already received, that these petitions will likely require several years of processing time….” (petitions for flow changes and other items)

RRWPC February 2017, Newsletter

Strong response thus far to letter signing campaign….
RRWPC is so very grateful to all who signed and/or helped submit over 600 protest letters (so far) to the State objecting to permanent lowering of summer flows in the lower Russian River.  Special thanks to those who gathered multiple signatures.  We are not done however, as the State deadline for protest letter submissions was extended to March 10, at 4:30 PM.  If you have not yet signed, a copy of the letter was included in our December mailer. It was also sent out several times via email.  If you haven’t done so yet, please sign and send to RRWPC at our Guerneville address. We will see that it is forwarded to the State and a required copy sent to Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA).  By the way, the only requirements for signing are that person needs to be able to read letter, print, and sign their name.  There are no age or residence requirements.

RRWPC Comments, 2-21-2017: Occidental Sewage Transport

Sonoma County Water Agency 404 Aviation Blvd. Santa Rosa, CA 95403-9019 Email: Attention Jeff Church Dear Mr. Church: Introduction….The following comments are written on behalf of Russian River Watershed Protection ...