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RRWPC Newsletter, February 2022: New Housing Won’t Solve Housing Shortage

Drought again!   Last November, we thought we were done with drought.  It was raining so hard, and for so many days, we almost wished it (the rain) would go away.  Now we’re sorry, aren’t we?  This January we got almost nothing, although the wind is drying everything out and we are told that the fire season has begun. (We had less than an inch of rain between January 1st and mid-February, 2022,

120 New hotel Units: Impacts on Sewer?

RRWPC Comments (October 26, 2021) on: Lok Guernewood Park Development Co.,

                                       Permit Sonoma File No. PLP18-0012

For Public Hearing by Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) on October 28, 2021



RRWPC came into being in 1978 as a result of concerns about the initial planning and construction of the Russian River County Sanitation District (RRCSD).  We commented on the many issues that arose during construction.  We initiated three successful citizen propositions attempting to change certain aspects of the project.  And we  have tracked the project, and its many evolutions, ever since.

RRCSD went on line in 1983 and has had many challenges ever since.  In the last 7-8 years the collection system has shown signs of significant wear and tear and some officials have informally estimated that repairs

RRWPC Newsletter, Sept.2021: Drought & Plans for new septic regulations

Wait and See…..Since early this year, as the reservoirs declined and the rain failed to fall, Sonoma County water purveyors suffered a severe case of ‘wait and see’.  Early on, it was ‘wait and see’ if the rain comes and the reservoirs fill, even when limited falling rain was greedily absorbed by vegetation and thirsty soil before reaching the creeks. Then it was ‘wait and see’ how much water was being conserved; as time sped by and reservoirs dropped quickly.  Even then, in June and July, no one seemed ready to panic.  Lowering minimum flows to 35 cfs was also thought to save the day, but that didn’t make much difference in reservoir levels either.

Our Disappearing River, Press Democrat, 8-1-2021

The following appeared in the August 1, 2021 edition of the Press Democrat as an op-ed piece. Months ago, Gov. Gavin Newsom, facing a recall campaign while managing extraordinary wildfires, Covid-19, and worsening drought, called for a ...

RRWPC Newsletter, July 2021: Drought, Septics & THP

While many are now breaking free of COVID and roaring back to their former lives, others are wondering if the Russian River will have any water next fall.   It’s rather disconcerting to talk to people about running out of water if they respond with, “What drought”?  I photographed the approximately one foot deep mid-river flow recently at one spot in Monte Rio, a sure sign we’ll have a problem.  Here’s an update…

Governor declared drought emergency…In late April, Governor Newsom declared a drought emergency for Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, triggering emergency measures to address the drought while not yet making them mandatory. (Some mandatory requirements are only now beginning to kick in.)