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RRWPC Newsletter, July 2021: Drought, Septics & THP
While many are now breaking free of COVID and roaring back to their former lives, others are wondering if the Russian River will have any water next fall. It’s rather disconcerting to talk to people about running out of water if they respond with, “What drought”? I photographed the approximately one foot deep mid-river flow recently at one spot in Monte Rio, a sure sign we’ll have a problem. Here’s an update…
Governor declared drought emergency…In late April, Governor Newsom declared a drought emergency for Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, triggering emergency measures to address the drought while not yet making them mandatory. (Some mandatory requirements are only now beginning to kick in.)
RRWPC Newsletter, April 2021: Drought, Septic Systems & Sewage Violations
Spring is here and things are popping….
After a very slow winter, things are popping now. Life has gotten busy, and things are ‘a changing…’ In order to keep you informed, we are making this letter a four pager. Drop us a note and share your thoughts with us.
It’s a bad one…..
As if we needed something else to worry about, we now face serious drought that may be the worst since that of 1976-77. It seems strange however, that drought has only been declared for our area. At a news conference on April 21st, when asked whether there would be statewide mandates called for to address water shortages,