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RRWPC Newsletter, February 2021: Septic Rules & TUPC
Change is everywhere….In this COVID-19 age, when it seems like every ordinary mundane activity is turned upside down, and nothing is quick and efficient anymore, we want desperately to believe that things will go back to normal soon. The effects of unprecedented change can be nerve wracking. We’re staying at home more, and supposedly having more time to get things done,
RRWPC Latest Comments on Silver Property THP, 1/14/2021
RRWPC Newsletter, November 2020: Yearly Update & Silver THP
Well another year is soon to end, and while most of us won’t miss it, we won’t forget it either. No point in rehashing details here, you get the idea. Yet we have to note that our work has been profoundly affected by this new COVID reality that includes meetings via Zoom, wearing masks wherever people congregate, and working from home most of the time.
RRWPC Comments on THP #1-20-00084-SON, 9/28/2020
RRWPC Newsletter, August 2020: Very Low Flows for the River
Dear Russian River Supporter:
RRWPC hopes this letter finds you and your loved ones safe and secure. We don’t need to focus on uncertainty about the future, but just hope that soon things will turn around and get back to some kind of normal. It is a good time to celebrate the small accomplishments we experience. Lately, RRWPC has been noticing indications that State and County agency personnel whom we deal with on a regular basis, are taking our views much more seriously, and while headway is slow, and often constrained by outdated regulations,