Nickname: RRWPC954
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RRWPC Comments on 2019 NCRQCB TMDL Action Plan, 6/24/19

Comments on Staff Report Revisions (May, 2019)Action Plan for RR Watershed: Pathogen TMDL As much as feasible, we have tried to limit comments to revisions only. Hours before I completed these comments, I received the comments written ...

Workshop on New Septic Regulations, June 13, 3pm

Dear River Supporters:   We have no way of customizing this message for people whose properties rely on septic systems, but this message should be really important to those who do. (If you know anyone along the Russian River who ...

Summary of Russian River Watershed Pathogen Action Plan, 6/12/2019

Important statements in Action Plan for Russian River Watershed pathogen total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL):   SUMMARY   This Action Plan applies to the entire watershed    (RWRPC comments in smaller font) Summarizes findings relative ...